Saturday, October 27, 2012

Waterman Mountain Trail.

Waterman Mountain:

On October 21, 2012 I hiked up the Waterman Mountain trail and it is a wonderful hike. The majority of the hike is very easy and only the last 1/10 of a mile is strenuous. I recommend this hike to everyone that can find the time to go out. The trail is about 2.5 miles up to the peak and takes about 2.5-3 hours to complete. 

In order to get to the trail head, take the 210 to the 2 and drive north for 34 miles. You will pass the Waterman Mountain ski lift on the right and drive about a half a mile to the 58.02 mile marker. Park on the open area on your left and cross the highway. 

Here is where I got confused and almost ended my hiking day. The trail begins at a pretty steep incline and then immediately forks. I did not see the trail going left and instead went right. The path up towards the right leads to nothing. It is an interesting little clearing but has no trail in sight. I walked around this area for about 20 minutes looking for a trail. I had started late in the day and if I was going to beat nightfall I had to hurry. I made my way back to the car, drove back to the ski lift , looked for a trail there, and decided to try one more time. I had done plenty of research on the trail and all my research had given similar instructions to what I posted above. All of my sources said that the trail begins very gently. This incline is about as gentle as a porcupine and surely this couldn't be it. I looked at the trail head again and this time I noticed the gentle trail shooting off to the left along the highway. 

The trail ascends very easily and the first .75 of a mile is nearly flat. After about a .2 of a mile I crossed an intersection. The trail keeps straight but if I had turn left I would walk right to the highway. After a few minutes I ran into some hikers returning back to their car. They warned me that there was no way I could make it back before nightfall and should turn back. I decided that I would continue for awhile and then turn around. I told myself that I would turn back when the trail started to get steep.

This trail is climbing through the woods and most of the views are blocked by pine trees. It seemed like a more stereotypical  hike than the two previous trails that I have taken. However, about 1.5 miles into the hike I reached a point where the trees subside just enough to where I caught a breathtaking view of the National Forest Wilderness.

After this view the trail begins to get a little steeper as it switchbacks up the mountain.Though it was a little more steep than the first half of the trail, it was still very easy even for an inexperienced hiker like me. After some time I came to a sign that points the trail going to the left and the summit is only 3/4 of a mile away. Hikers have the option of continuing to Twin Peaks but I was running out of time and I was so close to the summit now.

I had abandoned any idea of turning back before reaching the summit. I wanted to cross this peak off my lift and I had come so far. So I continued up the last 3/4 of the trail over a nearly flat trail. It seemed like that final part of the trail was going to be very easy. And then I came to the very last part of the trail. I could see the peak but in order to reach it I had to travel up a very strenuous incline. I had to revert back to my run up 15 yards and then take a break for air and then repeat strategy. This incline was quite difficult but I eventually made it up.

The summit is not spectacular because it is covered in pine trees which block most of the view. I walked down a few more feet to get a better look and take some pictures. It was then that I noticed that the sun was beginning to set and I still had to hike back 2.5 miles to my car. I caught my breath, snapped some pictures, and took a swig of water then started back.
I checked my watch and it was about 6 p.m. I figured I had maybe 40 minutes left of sunlight and that was somewhat optimistic. I took comfort in that the trail would be solely decline and I would not lose any time being slowed down by having to take breaks. I had to pick up the pace as much as I could. I considered skipping some of the switchbacks by sliding down but thought better not to risk an injury which would have been much worse.

The woods were getting darker and I was trying not to freak out. At one point I thought I saw an animal run past in front of me but I couldn't make out what it was. I just kept walking, making a lot of noise to scare off any wild beasts.The sun did set after 40 minutes and I had to finish the trail by moonlight. This, once again, was dangerous and stupid. I didn't bring a flashlight nor matches. I did tell a friend where I would be and to call the rangers if they had not heard from me by 9 p.m. I could barely make out the trail by moonlight and in the shaded areas I could only see a few feet ahead of me. I eventually made it back to the intersection. I choose to take the direct road to the highway instead of walking the trail back to the trail head. Once on the highway I could see cars coming and just walked the .2 mile back to the parking area. It was relieving to get in my car without having encountered any bears, wolves, or Slenderman.

Despite having to finish this hike in the dark, I really enjoyed this trail. It is very easy to do and is just a lot of fun to be walking in the woods. The peak elevation is over 8000 feet and it doesn't take a lot to get there. I am confident anyone can do this trail and I think I may do it again some day.

I took more pictures for those who are interested.

P.S. If anyone has any suggestions for how I can improve this blog then please feel free to let me know. Any comments would help as I'm still trying to figure out what this blog is turning into.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Brisk Walk in Stormy Weather: Switzer Falls

Switzer Falls:

This past Thursday I decided to celebrate my class being cancelled by taking another hike. I was planning on hiking Waterman Mountain but the forecast was predicting precipitation in the afternoon and at the altitude it would have been snow. Since I was hiking alone, once again, and didn't have to clothing to deal with snow I elected to hike Switzer Falls. Now I'm sure the trail is much more majestic than I'm going to give it and if it had been a different situation I might have loved this hike. Unfortunately  it started raining as soon as I started hiking and didn't stop until I was on the return from the falls. 

Unlike the San Gabriel Peak trail that I hiked last week, the trail head to Switzer Falls is nearly impossible to miss. You just take the Angeles Crest Highway from the 210 for about 20 minutes. When you see the Switzer Picnic area turn right down to the parking area. Once you park there is a bridge to cross and you have started the trail.
The trail can be misleading but it all heads in the right direction and just keep your eye out for where it is continuing. Hikers do have to cross across a creek. It is shallow and easy to cross. So easy that I crossed it without falling. I'm pretty proud of that. Hikers will have to do this several times before they reach the falls. Just take your time and look for the area with the most rocks to cross at.

Like I said before, it started to rain as soon as I got to the trail. The weatherman had said that it wouldn't rain until the afternoon. It wasn't raining too hard and there is a lot of tree coverage. So I thought I could handle it as long as it didn't get to heavy and hopefully it would stop raining until I could finish the trail. I was way off. The rain continued to get harder as I pressed on and was in a full on downpour when I was about halfway to the Falls. I do not know if it was stupidity or some unnecessary desire to finish the trail but I kept pressing on.

The first half of the trail is a gradual decline which was a nice contrast from the step switchbacks of San Gabriel Peak. After crossing the stream once again, you can see the trail switchback up an elevation. We are going up, over, and around the Falls. At this point you can actually hear the Falls below, though I didn't realize this until I was walking back. The rain was falling too hard for me to differentiate between the rain and the falls. This part of the trail gives you a gorgeous view of the mountains and the valley below. Luckily, the rain stopped just long enough for me to snap a picture.
Notice the storm clouds covering the tops of the mountains.
The trail descends into the valley almost as quickly as it ascends. At this point I was completely soaked and beginning to wonder if this was going to be worth it. I had to come to far to turn back now and I was determined to just finish the trail, go home, and take a warm shower. Take a left at the junction and resume hopping across the creek. After having to cross again and again, I finally yelled out "where is the freaking waterfall?" For a split second I thought I had made a wrong turn and should just turn back around and go home. I'm glad I did not because the water fall was literally just around the next bend.

I made my way up to the Fall, looked at it, and said "that's it? This is what I got poured on for?" The Falls were not awe-inspiring nor much of a reward for such hard work.

I stood there for a couple of minutes and then began my hike back. The return hike is a little more difficult because you are now going uphill. Still it is not very difficult other than the ascension back up, over, and around the falls. The rain gave me a break for most of the return until I heard thunder 20 minutes from the parking lot. I picked up the pace and saw lightening 5 minutes from the trail head. I had a Martin Luther moment and made it quickly back to my car. Once in my car, I checked my phone and confirmed what I already suspected. It was extremely water damaged. I was wet, cold, tired and now I had to get a new phone. It was not worth it.

Ok, I'll admit it. I choose a terrible time to go and my expectations might have been too high. I should not be blaming the trail for my bad time. I shouldn't have gone on a cold, rainy day in October. I was also unimpressed by the views that we see on the high trail. While they are beautiful, they are nothing compared to the views of the San Gabriel Peak trail. But this is a much easier trail and you get what you work for.

With all things considered, this trail is an easy hike for nearly anybody who can walk forward. The most challenging part is crossing the creeks and ascending onto the higher parts of the trail. This hike reminded me a lot of Eaton Canyon but with more vegetation and a much better view. If you are looking for a very simple hike that takes you into the forest without going too far then this hike is perfect. I have read that there are lots of beautiful plants during the spring. So try to go then if you can. And of course, with easy trails comes lots of people. It is not a bad trail, I just had a bad time. That is mainly my own fault.

On account of the rain I didn't take many photos. Here are the ones that I did take if you're interested.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

San Gabriel Peak

I want to remind my readers that I am new to hiking. I am not in the prime physical condition for hiking. So when I say a trail is hard, it might be easy for you. And when I say "if I can do it then you can do it" I truly mean it.Trails may take me longer than it would for a regular hiker. But hey, I'm new to this and it will get better as my body adapts to my new hobby. Please keep that in mind if you are considering doing a trail that I have done. Do not let me scare you off from experiencing a trail. Get out and experience nature.

Angeles National Forest:

I have lived in Pasadena for 14 months now and I have always enjoyed the view of the mountains to the north. So it made sense that my first hike would be so close. I made sure to stop by a Ranger District Office to pick up an Adventure Pass. You only need an Adventure Pass to park in the Forest. It is $5 for the day or $30 for the year. I went ahead and picked up the annual pass to encourage myself to come back. I headed west on the 210 to State Route 2 north. The road takes you right into the mountains for some breath-taking views. I could not believe how amazing the views were just driving through the park. You drive for around 13 miles and turn right on Mt. Wilson road. The road begins to get very twisty but about 2 miles in the road will widen and you can park on the right side of the road. This is the trail head. It is very easy to miss and continue on to the Mt. Wilson trail. If you get to the television stations then you've gone to far. 

San Gabriel Peak

There are no trail signs and you may doubt that this is the right trail but I assure you that it is the San Gabriel Peak trail. You can enter right of the gate and step onto a dirt road that was once used by the Fire Department. The hike beginning of the hike isvery easy with a slight incline and about half a mile up you will reach a tunnel. I was hiking by myself and not sure how long the tunnel was. My mind thought of Stephen King novels. I gathered my courage and entered the tunnel. The tunnel was not bad at all and once you are in you can see the other side. 
On the other side of the tunnel I continued up the road with an amazing valley to my left. I ran into two hikers who were returning from the hike. This was the last human contact I had till I was leaving the trail. I had the trail all to myself and I didn't realize how dangerous of a situation I could have gotten myself into. Up the trail you come to a fork-in-the-road and take a right. The views of Bear Canyon open up on the left and you begin to switchback up the trail. 

This was my first trail that had true elevation gain. By the end of the hike I would have gained 1050 feet. It was very tiring and I stopped often to catch my breath. The nice thing about hiking solo was I didn't have to worry about slowing anyone down. I could do the trail at my own pace and enjoy it in my own time. This is the view I enjoyed at my first major stop (about 5 minutes).
The switchback along the mountain were quite narrow at times and the gravel was lose. I have a weak ankle and gravel is my worst enemy. If you step to close to edge, the gravel will move and you can easily slip off the side. I had several close calls but always kept my balance. I tried to walk closer to the mountain to avoid the edge. It is vital that you watch your step. Stop and look at the views. Do not try and look at the view while walking. 

The switchbacks will eventually lead to another fork-in-the-road. At this junction, you take a right and begin the last half mile up to the peak. This is the most strenuous part of the trail with the incline getting steeper. About a quarter of the way up, I stopped to get some water and looked up at how steep the trail was getting. I started to doubt myself and considered turning around. I decided that I had come to far to turn back now and should just toughen up and get up this mountain.
I continued up the trail very slowly. The amount of breaks I was taking was becoming more frequent. It got to the point where I would only climb 20 steps before having to take another 30 second break. At one point I could see the peak but I still had to stop to catch my breath one last time before I could make the final push. I did make it though. When I took the final steps to the peak I let out a scream of joy. I had actually made it. It took me an hour and 20 minutes to make the 2 mile climb to the peak but the view was definitely worth it. The view is 360 degrees and you can see many other peaks. The San Gabriel Peak is the highest peak on the front row of the San Gabriels. It was some what of a smoggy day but you could even make out Los Angeles out in the distance. 

The Peak was once a fire lookout tower but now only had some remnants and a makeshift bench. In the dust on the bench someone had written "it is only 20 miles up to space." That made me smile. I sat down on the bench, drank some water, ate a few pieces of beef jerky, and enjoyed the view. I stayed on the peak for around 20 minutes before beginning my return down the slopes.
 The return is much easier and I had enough energy to take a side trip up the other side of the second junction for a few more pictures. Descending is much easier though you still need to watch your step. I stopped a few times to snap some pictures. On my way out I saw a few people walking up. I realized I had been on the trail alone the entire time. It occurred to me how easy one wrong step could have put me in a deadly situation. I would have been stuck without any cell phone service waiting on someone to come by. Solo hiking is not smart. Be careful and take precautions.

With that said I want to end this post with my feelings about the hike. I am proud that I got out there and did this despite not having anyone to go with. I am serious about making hiking a regular activity in my life and I don't want to be reliant on other people to go with me. People are busy and have other things going on. Anyone is welcomed to join me but either way I am still going. I am planning on going on another hike this Friday. If anyone wants to join then please let me know.

Here is an album of the pictures I took. Enjoy

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Joshua Tree National Park


A few months ago I had a friend who went hiking in Joshua Tree National Park in California. He told me about how amazing it was and I had to experience it for myself. After asking around I discovered that not many people thought "hiking in the desert" sounded as awesome as I did. My luck changed when my closest friend and fellow adventurer, Jessica, came for a visit. The first thing she told me when she got off the plane was "I want to go to the desert." I knew this would be my opportunity to get to see Joshua Tree for myself. I did some research the night before by checking out their website but decided I was just going to wing it. (Isn't that what adventure is all about?) The morning of September 17th, we got up around 10 a.m., got dressed and stopped by Target to get snacks, water, and sun-screen. We then drove the 2 hour and 15 minute drive out to Joshua Tree.

 The drive itself is majestic as you see the world transform from a concrete metropolis to a barren desert. We made a quick stop at the Welcome Center where we were helped by a very friendly park ranger. We told him that we were both amateur hikers and this was both of our first times in the desert. He suggested two trails for us that were shorter and higher in elevation so that our trip would not be too hot. We payed $15 for one vehicle to enter the park and left a few bucks in the donation bin to help keep the park alive. The money was well spent because I would soon find out how beautiful Joshua Tree National Park truly is.

Upon entering the part we began an unexpectedly long drive. It took us another 30 minutes to get to the first trail head. We had to stop and ask for directions but with the kindness of strangers and Jessica's secret cartography skills we made it to our destination.

Barker Dam

Barker Dam was the first trail that we took. It is a 1 mile loop that begins with some cool rock formations and ends in open desert. If you ever get a change to go, do not miss the Native America pictographs. This trail took us a little over an hour but that is likely due to the fact that we were both so awestruck that we had to stop and take pictures ever 10 yards. The rock formations were beautiful and easy to climb for some easy self-esteem boosts. About a half mile into the trail is a grassy field that is also a lake during the rainy seasons. The ranger told us that we may see big horn sheep in this area but we did not find any. We did, however, stop and sit for a few minutes to take in the beauty. Growing up I was deathly afraid of tarantulas and would never entertain the thought of purposely going to the desert for any reason, much less for a recreational activity. But it was at this point, sitting in silence and taking it all in, that I gained a love for desert environment. This overlook was the perfect place for inspiration, evaluation, or just appreciation toward our world.  We continued up the trail for a few minutes to reach the Barker Dam. The Dam was not nearly as impressive as the field we had just seen but it was an accomplishment to have reached our first destination. The return route leaves the rock formations and goes into a valley area with lots of  Joshua Trees and open desert. We made occasional stops for pictures and water and to study the occasional lizard. towards the last quarter mile  there is a short side stop that takes you to a wall with Native America pictographs. This is a must see and it was only an extra 50 feet from the main trail. 
After our refresher on Native American literature we returned the rest of the way to the parking lot where we rested up, got more water, and got ready for our next trail.

Wall Street Mill

We decided to not go searching for another trail but to just do the trail that started right next to Barker Dam. The trail is a 1.1 mile hike up to the Mill and then you have to turn around and walk back. The trail strays away from the rock formations of the Barker Dam trail and heads into a valley. The sights of the mountains in the distance are gorgeous. The trail is full of interesting things of the past to stop and look at. There is an old wind pump, abandoned vehicles from years past, and even a grave marker. 
Further in the trail, the dirt trail turns to loose sand and walking becomes more difficult. We were starting to feel the heat and the exhaustion of the day. Once we finally arrived we stopped to read signs, drink water, take more pictures, and appreciate history. The return hike was not easy as we got lost. The trail was not clearly marked and we began taking back trails. We tried to keep our cools and head in the direction of the rock formations. We eventually saw the wind pump in the distance, marking the original trail. When we returned to the parking lot we were both very tired but had smiles on our faces. 

Spending the day in Joshua Tree National Park was nothing short of amazing. I quickly decided that it must be a stop for anyone who visits Southern California. Jessica and I joked about who would want to live in the desert but I think I can wrap my head around being attracted to the beauty of the barren land. With that said, it was nice to drive home and get some ice creme.

Why am I Doing This?

In order to understand why I have decided to take up the hobby of hiking I must first explore what brought me here. I think I have always loved nature, I just didn't know it. I grew up in a major city in Florida. While Florida is known for its beautiful beaches, the rest is quite boring. The state is flat, hot, and not much to explore. My eyes were opened to the beauty of the world when I moved to Kentucky but I didn't really get to explore the great out doors. It was ironically when I moved to the second largest metropolitan area in the United States that I found myself being called to the outdoors.

I moved to Pasadena in August 2011. I got a job at the local Barnes and Noble and school began short after. My free time was quickly eaten up between school and work. One morning I had to get up at 5:30 to go to work. I turned on the t.v. while I drank coffee and ate breakfast. The only thing that was not an infomercial was an episode of "Motion" on the livewell network. It was the Glacier National Park episode where the father and daughter joined the host in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. Here is a link to the specific episode. I was blown away by how beautiful the scenery looked. Later that day I stood at the Nook counter at work thinking to myself about how stunning of an experience that must have been for those hikers. How life changing it must have been. I wanted that. I wanted to be overrun with emotions at the sight of God's creation. I couldn't do that in downtown Pasadena. I had to go out and explore.

I began asking my friends about going on hikes and before the year was up I hiked half way through the local Eaton Canyon trail. We only got half way through because the winds were so bad (this was right after the Santa Anita wind storms of 2011) that dust was being thrown in our faces. 2012 came and I made a promise that I would hike more this year. I did do that because I went back and finished Eaton Canyon. That is technically more than the previous year but my thirst was not satisfied. I wanted to go more.

Recently I went to Joshua Tree National Park. I will save that experience for my next blog because it was this event that made me addicted to the outdoors. I need to get out and explore this beautiful world. I will not be contained by the concrete zoo of Los Angeles.